Double-Materiality analysis
Our CSR consultants support you at every step of the process:
- Identification of your social, environmental, societal and governance issues (non-exhaustive list, some companies will identify innovation, for example) – risks and opportunities – to be submitted to internal and external stakeholders. We take into account regulations (e.g. CSRD), your company’s strategy and risk mapping, its business model, recognized sectoral benchmarks (SASB, GRI, etc.), questionnaires from extra-financial rating agencies, the benchmark of peers, “megatrends”, possible controversies, etc.
- Evaluation by your internal and external stakeholders of the level of risk, opportunity and impact for each issue: qualitative interviews and quantitative questionnaire.
- The layout of your materiality matrix or double materiality (or your matrices if you are multi-activity, as well as a consolidated one in this case).
- The presentation of it to the governance bodies (executive and non-executive committee) of your company and the validation of the risks, opportunities and priority impacts.
- Taking into account the results and continuous improvement.
Sustainability Strategy
Tennaxia® consultants help your company’s project team to build your Tennaxia® consultants help your company’s project team to build your CSR strategy integrated into your company’s overall strategy. A proven methodology and the animation of co-construction meetings allow:.
- The identification of your challenges via a materiality analysis. We help you identify your environmental, social and material societal issues likely to impact the company’s strategy, business model and sustainable performance. You consider the risks and opportunities for all your stakeholders.
- The formalization of your CSR strategy. It consists of determining, based on the material issues identified, the operational commitments and their KPIs, the objectives, the action plan and the monitoring indicators for managing your extra-financial performance. You will thus be able to deploy the CSR strategy with the managerial lines and all the teams.
- The critical review of your CSR reporting for year N-1 to ensure the relevance of the data and information collected and published and their ability to reflect your non-financial performance.

Writing of reports (integrated report, CSR report…)
- Tennaxia’s support in the drafting of your CSR Report and/or integrated report is based on a robust method: Collaborative work with the various departments of the company to define and write the business model, understand CSR issues and risks and their management, the policies implemented, the KPIs and objectives, the actions and their results.
- Validation at each stage by a project group within the company.
- The drafting of the vigilance plan may be included for companies subject to this obligation.
- Project management assistance to ensure compliance between the drafting and the final document produced by your communication consulting agency (we have partners if necessary).
- Support on the communication mix to be implemented.
They use our solutions
“Tennaxia® provided expert advice to the Executive Committee on the expectations of the report (…). The consultant provides the methodology, the timing and the calendar to be kept and the CSR manager is there to make sure that all the people come around the table to advance the subjects. And in the end, everyone is happy to see the result and proud of the report.”
Christophe DELFELD
Director of CSR and Stakeholders – GRTgaz