Terawatt hours of gas transported in 2021
KM of pipes
M€ of sales in 2021
GRTgaz, European leader in gas transmission
“GRTgaz’s CSR approach seals the commitment of the entire company to the objectives of sustainable development and to all its stakeholders, and gives concrete expression to the implementation of the company’s raison d’être. It shows how GRTgaz takes into account all its impacts, both negative and positive, on society and the environment in its strategy and day-to-day activities.

As a major player in natural gas transmission, GRTgaz acts independently, in liaison with its stakeholders, to ensure a natural gas market that is fair and accessible to all. As France’s main gas transmission operator, GRTgaz provides a public service to ensure the continuity of gas transmission. To support the ecological transition, the gas industry is rethinking its model to accelerate the development of renewable gases and adapt its infrastructures to a decentralized energy model.
“Together, making a secure, affordable and climate-neutral energy future possible” is the raison d’être adopted by GRTgaz in October 2020 and enshrined in its articles of association. This raison d’être is a long-term compass that determines its strategic orientations and the actions that follow from them.
Since 2021, the company has been working with Tennaxia® to set up an integrated management of extra-financial performance
Motivations, stakes, methodology, benefits… Christophe Delfeld, Director of CSR at GRTgaz and Mélanie Deal, senior CSR consultant at Tennaxia® explain us the details of their collaboration.
Meet Christophe Delfeld, Director of CSR and Stakeholders at GRTgaz