A strong partner and a key player
Tennaxia® designs, develops and implements solutions for the sustainable performance of companies and investors.
offices (Laval, Lyon, Paris)
Our 3 areas of expertise
Our software and consultants help companies go further on the path to sustainable performance in these 3 areas:
Environment, Social,
Social Responsibility
Safety, Environment
Testimonials of Tennaxians
I support my clients in the construction of their sustainability strategy but also in the drafting of their report, the construction of action plans,
policies and in responding to questionnaires.I also support our clients in the deployment and use of the Tennaxia® Reporting software.
I chose Tennaxia® for the possibility of having this double expertise, very strategic on one-side and more data-oriented with the software.
Clémentine, CSR Consultant and Customer Success Manager
We work on exciting, topical subjects and in an excellent atmosphere.
My main mission is to ensure regulatory monitoring: Identify, analyze and interpret legal texts and guarantee the proper integration of these developments in our monitoring database.
I also produce intelligence bulletins for our clients.
I also carry out regulatory compliance audits directly with clients and provide regulatory technical assistance.
Within Tennaxia®, there is a great atmosphere. We have a team spirit which is really very important, very developed: A lot of mutual aid, a lot of kindness, a welcome process for newcomers well in place…
Another important point is the vigilance that management pays to ensure that there is always cohesion between the various departments. We are in 3 different places and there are company or service seminars to discuss and keep in touch.We have great autonomy within our scope and we work with a wide variety of business sectors.
Jérôme, HSE consultant
I wanted to discover a company well established in its field with products used by thousands of users.
Jonathan, Developer
A friend told me about the sympathetic and serious atmosphere of Tennaxia®. He didn’t lie to me. He is still there and I joined him.
Each developer can put his stone to the building in terms of technological or technical choice. Each choice is freely discussed within the company.